Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 1

I hadn't originally intended to do Project 365. I didn't really know much about it, but a vast majority of my scrapping friends are doing it and after spending the weekend with my good friend Dee who is also doing Project 365, I found that my interest was peaked. I was persuaded, and I've decided to try it. As of now I don't have the album and other materials and they're currently sold out. I hope February brings a new shipment- I've heard rumors. If anything, I can make my own, but would rather not...until then, I will be playing catch-up. I uploaded a bunch of photos on to my computer last night and have started to sort. Project 365 will be a challenge, but I think it will be extremely rewarding in the end. I hope I make it to the end!

This picture was taken just after we rang in the new year. I spent the holiday with my friend Rachel and her friends and family. We celebrated her dad's birthday as well.  This is her dad, aka "Gramps." Side Note: I became friends with Rachel during my sophomore year in high school. We were both leading ladies in a play in drama and I played her daughter. Since then, her parents have earned the names, "Gram" and "Gramps."

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